I want children in Newcastle to point out a kittiwake and say "Look there's Kitty!"
John Miles
John worked in forestry from 1970 - 76 and then John worked for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 1976 – 1991 including several reserves around Britain including Loch Garten [Osprey warden], Kinnordy, Vane Farm, Fairburn Yorkshire all short term while Geltsdale, Cumbria was for 9 years managing 12,000 acres/5000 hectares of moor land, lakes and rivers adding 260 acres/ 105Ha woodland . Additional work included lecturing, guided walks, working with the communities.
He has written several wildlife books on topics like Hadrian's Birds and Lakeland Wildlife.
John has worked 2 years in Egypt with the World Bank creating a book called Pharaohs Birds.
In 2000, he organised the first ever wildlife festival for the UK called ‘Hadrian’s Bird Festival running for 9 days including lectures, where to watch, wildlife walks, Shop display competition, School painting competition, trade stands, accommodation etc
He has 2 books in the 'Best Birdwatching Guides' - The Solway and Yorkshire [where he was born] Also a few chapters in the NE England guide.
His last book on wildlife was 'Hadrian's Wildlife' expanding on his first book.
John is freelance for the monthly magazine 'Birdwatching' which he has worked for since 1990 and occasionally for another one called 'Birdwatch' .
He is a specialist working with a number of species like Barn Owl, Swift, Pied Flycatcher and loves Birds of Prey especially Predator/Prey relationships .
The Solway - the whole of Cumbria and Dumfries & Galloway;
Hadrian’s Wildlife - History of birds back to Roman times + many present day locations to visit;
Death on the Nile - looks at the history of birds from Ancient Egypt to present time birds while cruising the Nile;
Mull: Not just Eagles! - year round look at this island;
Go Birding - follows John around Britain in search of articles in ‘Go Birding’ in Bird Watching magazine;
British Bee-eaters - Will they ever BEE Every Year!;
Caithness - the forgotten part of Scotland!;
Islay - Not just Geese!;
Yorkshire - Not just a White Rose!