A comprehensive guide to the Insects of Britain and Ireland [2nd edition] by Paul D Brock
Published by Pisces Publications, Price £28.95, ISBN 978 1 874357 58 2
This book is packed with information so that you can sort that wasp from a mining bee or a dragonfly from a caddisfly. Starting on the inside cover it gives you families to try as you look for that species you want to identify and finishes with a glossary if you were having trouble with bits of that insect. In between are 528 pages of solid descriptions from 2100 insects with over 2700 photographs and 2000 distribution maps.
You have all the species of butterfly found here as well as the increasing watched species of dragonfly with new editions nearly every year crossing the English Channel being often found by armatures like yourselves. This book is made to be used and every gardener in Great Britain should have a copy as well as every budding young nature lover. I cannot speak more highly of this book.