Robins and chats by Peter Clement and Chris Rose
Helm Identification Guides Bloomsbury
Hard back 688 pages Price £60.00. ISBN 978 0 7136 3963 6
Yet another reason to add support to your book shelf! This series goes on and on and here is one covering 175 species some of them well known to us like our Robin, Redstart, Stonechat, Wheatear and Whinchat. Several new names have been appearing in recent years with the wheatear family and others but the book keeps them in their place and you have to look at the brilliant 62 plates by Chris Rose to see the differences of most of these races. Each species has a set of colour images in their write up often along with sketches by Chris of tail parts etc. Stonechat is another one with several names attached but this covers the 3 main regional areas with the sub species enclosed in each. To think some birders collect families! Well here is a nice list to keep you busy covering Europe, Asia, Africa and just 3 in America.