Birds of Cyprus by Colin Richardson &Richard Porter
Helm Field Guide, 256 pages Price £30.00 This is the first comprehensive field guide of its kind to cover the whole island of Cyprus with...
The Common Buzzard by Sean Walls & Robert Kenwood
Poyser Hardback - £60.00 and paperback - £35.00 304 pages It is like buses coming along. Tubbs Buzzard came out in 1974 and after a long...
The Pelagic Dictionary of Natural History of the British Isles by Peter Jarvis
549 pages, Price £35.00 Hardback With more and more folk getting into other forms of wildlife along with birds this book offers you the...
The Smart Neanderthal by Clive Finlayson
Published by Oxford University Press, Hard back 228 pages. £20.00 I just loved this book as it took me back to my work on Ancient...